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Home Forums Advanced Users Liner/Sleeve Options

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    was wondering if anyone could recommend me thin soft flashlight-like sleeves that could replace the liner material.
    thin enough for the end cap to squeeze on top. the abco liner works but feels like sand paper after a while. i like it soft and smooth. any recommendations?


    something along the lines of this.

    David P

    You might also consider trying something like this that you just attach over the receiver at the bottom, sort of like a soft, pliable, textured, constrictor enhancement. You still keep the regular liner inside the receiver, but adding this little stretchy thing at the end really gives you the type of sensation I think you are seeking, and very easy to slip it on and off the receiver.


    Ok, I found something that is truly fantastic.
    It’s called the Long Slide
    See a picture at this link.

    It works fantastic.
    This is how you set it up.
    You’ll need two small sections of regular liner material, one about 2 inches and the other about 3 inches
    You’ll need an empty small plastic water bottle.
    My receiver is a large to average sized one so this may require mods if you have a larger one or smaller one.
    First you need to cut the water bottle so that you end up with a short funnel.
    I did it by placing the end of the bottle in my receiver and marking it with a Sharpie and cutting along the line.
    Now fit the shorter liner piece in the end where your cap will fit and longer one the insertion end. You need only about an inch of liner material on either end so push the rest into the receiver.
    Note: You will need to select the cap end of the receiver to be the end closest to the side vent. This allow obstruction free respiration of the receiver.
    Now very carefully fit the water bottle threaded opening in the small hole at the end of the Long Slide (there is a small hole there, don’t tear it)
    Now gently feed the Long Slide into the cap end of the receiver until you can pull it through to the insertion end.
    When you get it right, you’ll have the Long Slide all the way through and being gripped by the liner material. The water bottle (funnel) will be snugged up against the cap end of the receiver.
    Note: If you set this up so that the drape off extra material on the Long Slide can ride down over the Scrotum, you’ll be amazed by the sensation.
    Now place the receiver cap over the end were the bottle top is.
    Lube the interior of the Long Slide and your off to the races.
    I hope this helps.


    Hi hey does anyone know where I can get the liner in bulk ?


    Hi Michael, Any chance of posting a photo of this installed in the receiver?


    Hello Ian,
    I will see what I can do. I know people have had a difficult time with posting pics. Perhaps I can find a way and I’ll make them as informative as possible.
    It is an incredibly good set up. I never use the regular liner anymore and it’s way better than my mod for the Fleshlight.

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