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Home Forums Erection Difficulties and Venus Helpful for Baby Boomers

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    I just want to encourage any of the older baby boomers who are thinking of getting a Venus 2000 because of ED problems to go ahead and do it. I’ve had mine for about a year and it is been a life saver for my wife an I. Because of my ED and her physical disabilities, normal intercourse hasn’t been happening for a long time. That created lots of frustration over the years but we love each other very much and kept looking for ways to keep the intimacy and also help with sexual fulfillment. The Venus 2000 has been the answer. This machine should be sold as a medical health device. It keeps the prostate free and clear and gives great orgasms (even with a flaccid penis) while in the arms of my wife. No drugs – no porn – no ladies on the side – just a great sex life!

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