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Home Forums Advanced Users Adding texture with elastic bands inside the rubber liner

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Ian.
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  • #9897
    Scott Cruickshank

    I gave this a try but had a problem with the liner being too tight when fully rigged up. I’m going to order some liner the next size up and try again. I think it will work.

    You buy some of the longest elastic bands you can find, thinnest you can find. I bought a box of 300 from the office supply store for like 2 bucks. Take an elastic and cut it so you have a long rubber string, for lack of a better word. The ones I have are about 8 inches long when cut. Tie knots in the elastic every half inch or so in the middle of the elastic and pull them tight. Leave a couple of inches at either end with no knots. Make three or 4 of them. Set the receiver up as you normally would, then feed the elastics up through the center and stretch them over the top and bottom edges so they wrap around to the outside. Secure them at both ends with a 1 inch strip of liner material over top of them. You can run them all up one particular side, spread them around, any way you like depending on where you want the texture to be in relation to the surfaces of your penis. Slap the top cap on and jam it good and tight and use it like you normally would. If you have trouble with air leakage around the cap a little gum it up with some of the lube you use and that will seal any minor leaks. You’ll feel the knots in the bands as the receiver glides up and down.

    Mine was a little tight with the bands inside but did work just enough to tell me it was going to be effective. I just lost so much action due to the tightness that it was still better without them. It will work, with the right size liner. If yours is a little loose and you use the twist, you might have room for two or three bands if you take the twist out and possibly go without the restrictor, which is what I had to do with mine anyway even without the bands.

    I think it’s worth a try. It’s easy, requires no major modifications, and if you don’t need a bigger liner, will cost you about 2 dollars and a two inch strip of your spare liner material.

    Scott Cruickshank

    venus2000 elastic


    This sounds like a novel idea that I am going to try. Thanks

    Scott Cruickshank

    I got my new liners and tried this. I regret to have to report that the feeling is so rough it actually hurts. I could barely stand 10 or 20 seconds of it. I would find it hard to believe anybody would enjoy this, unless they’re into painful S&M or something. If you aren’t, disregard this post.

    I have a better idea that I have tried and works much better. Will post it soon.


    I haven’t tried this but I must admit my first reaction was surely this must hurt like hell. Well done for trying Scott, it’s always good to experiment.

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