Our forum rules have been put into place to help ensure that the forums are a welcoming and useful resource for everyone that participates.
- Do not post a personal insult about another user
- Do not advertise or solicit
- Do not impersonate another user
- Do not post content which you have copied from someone else (i.e. you do not own the copyright)
- You may post images of product modifications if you like but please do not post any images showing the Venus in use
Although our forum is monitored, we cannot review every post before it appears on our site. Venus for Men uses a ‘notice and take-down’ policy. If we notice or are made aware of a post that violates these above rules, we reserve the right to amend or remove the post. Please contact us if you feel a post violates these rules. You are responsible for the content of your posts and we do not accept any liability for the content or accuracy of your messages. Abco Research Associates reserves the right to republish any material you submit.