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    Well I did it. An order has been placed for my own Venus machine. I have it on layaway. My intention is to cover the bulk of the cost. Then I’ll pay off the remainder in a few months! I’m nervous, excited, and wondering, “Am I out of my mind” all at once!


    At the price this machine is, that’s what I like to hear. But considering that for the most part IF something did break on this machine, it could be easily replaced with a new part makes this is a great investment for male sexual pleasure. I have fleshlights, I have a Hitachi, prostate massagers, and vibrators Cobra Libre and Nobra Twincharger, but this may just be something on another level. I hope this way better than any fleshlight.

    Scott Cruickshank

    I have most of those too. The only one any good, that I still use regularly, is the percussion massager. I think it was a Sunbeam. The name wore off years ago. I bet it’s 10 years old, and I don’t don’t I’ve used it 10,000 times. Still do regularly. The Venus is still better. But sometimes I don’t feel like taking the time to set it up even though it’s all of about a minute. Sometimes I just don’t feel like getting all covered with lube, or haven’t got the time for it. You might not use it as often as what you might think, but when you do, you’ll be glad you spent the money.

    Read up on the threads while you wait. The thing takes a bit of fine tuning to get it running right. Having some idea how to work the air box before you get it will put you a step ahead on the learning curve. If you understand what the air box does, you’ll have an easy time. Air Out makes the unit suck tighter and harder, but also makes the stroke length shorter. Too tight and it won’t stroke at all. Air In makes the stroke longer but it doesn’t suck quite as tight. Too loose and it’ll keep blowing itself right off. You always want to be somewhere in the middle of the two extremes. If you can wrap your mind around what’s happening air flow wise you’ll have a much easier time getting the hang of it. It would have been better if they had labelled it, SUCK MORE/SUCK LESS. Air in/out doesn’t really tell you anything. Even after all this time sometimes I find myself sitting there wondering which button I should push. Air In makes it suck harder…. no wait… wait maybe… yeah that’s right. Recently I have put a piece of tape on my box and used a marker to label the buttons, “harder”/ “less”. You should do the same as soon as you get it. And read this thread in particular. The design has one big flaw, but it can easily be fixed. Get the stuff you need, make the simple modification before you even get started.

    If you have trouble post it here, somebody will figure it out.


    Thank you Scott! Very useful information! I am also glad that you brought up the flaw with the end caps! Is this the little valve on the side? Also, how far to the end of my or penis can I adjust the stroke? And how fast can I make it go on longer strokes? 300 strokes is faster than even the Flesh light launch accessory can go. But it won’t matter if speed makes it fly off!

    So you own the Twincharger? It’s the best vibrator imo. Even the Hitachi and cobra libre can’t compare. Hitachi doesn’t quite have the deep rumbly power, and it’s not gentle if I want it to be. Cobra Libre has to be kept charged. Yes the nobra is expensive and there is a wait when you order it but it’s made in Germany by hand and with pride!

    Scott Cruickshank

    You set it right, use lots of lube, it will go 6 inches in both directions. Way further than the A-10 or any of those hand held auto this or that jobs. Nothing else could possibly match it, except for the Robojac which is the same sort of machine. The original one actually. At higher speeds the receiver tends to fly off a little more often so you have to keep the suction higher to make the strokes shorter. It’s probably a function of momentum. What goes up fast, has to stop fast and reverse direction too. You won’t want to use it at top speed anyway. It’s not near as good as it is at low to mid speeds.

    The one-way breather valve is in the end cap. That thing has to stay open and in order for the Venus to function properly. The problem is that lube gets in the valve and all that fast rushing air dries it out and sticks it shut like it’s glued, sometimes in mere moments. That’s what the sponge is for. So lube can’t get to that valve and plug it up. You’ll see it when you get it. Cut the round disk out of some light sponge, shove it just under the cap, and that problem goes away. That’s something you pretty well have to do.

    I don’t remember the name of that thing, but it’s a dual head percussion job, and it pounds hard. I got so used to the bone shaking job that thing dishes out that I could hardly feel the Cobra. I used it one time, left it on about 20 minutes and went through the pulse patterns over and over trying to find a powerful one. I had to give up and complete the job the old fashioned way. I bet that thing is great for most people, but I need a rough ride. I have a flashlight I’ve only used once too. Same general problem. The Tenga Spiral is way better, pleasantly rough inside and a little stiffer material. I’d recommend one of those before the Fleshlight any day.

    I wish the Venus was just a bit rougher in the stimulation department, but I’m not complaining too much. I’ve rigged up slightly rougher surface and I’m happy with it. Even if you’re the same as me, you’ll still like it no matter what. I used to like to go zero to 60 just as fast as is possible. Now I actually like stretching it out a little bit. The Venus just feels so very good, I find I’m not in quite so much of a hurry anymore. You’ll like this thing, I have no doubt.

    Scott Cruickshank

    I just found a picture of that percussion massager. It wasn’t a Sunbeam, it’s a Conair. The Conair Professional. The great thing about it is that the heads are very close together and have an elongated shape that makes a nice pocket with each head resting nicely on each side of the shaft. Most of the other models from other companies have the heads spaced too wide. Unless you’re built like John Holmes, the heads don’t even touch. I like the infinitely adjustable speed slider too, so you can get the speed just right.

    Over the years the twist on replaceable heads got worn out inside and got loose, so I just glued them on permanent with 2 part epoxy. I’ve had it I bet 10 years now. I have to buy another one just in case they stop making them.

    Conair professional

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