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Home Forums Advanced Users Advanced User Tips from Wayne in Hawaii

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  • #4655
    PopDot Marketing

    Optimizing Your Venus 2000 – Different Strokes for Different Folks

    Check out this comprehensive document about Venus written by our customer Wayne in Hawaii. He explains how the Venus works and gives pages of helpful hints and tricks to make your Venus experience the best it can be.  It includes pictures and link to suppliers.

    Download Optimizing Your Venus 2000 – Different Strokes for Different Folks here.

    *Please note – this document was written in 2004 part names and or product availability may not be the same now.


    Thank you a lot for bringing Wayne’s trick list back. I’d read it before but got a few more ideas by rereading it for the first time in 3? years


    Great to see this back up again . . . downloaded and filed 🙂


    pdf ADVANCED USER TIPS FROM WAYNE IN HAWAII the link here dose not work were can i downlaod the


    404 not found

    PopDot Marketing

    Apologies for the trouble with this link. We believe everything is fixed and you should be able to view the pdf!


    I think I managed to crack the randomization problem. I used an arduino, a servo, and some redneck engineering to allow the arduino to control the speed knob. I coded the arduino to randomly pick a speed, hold it for a random time, then switch to a different speed. It works like a dream so far. I just finished “testing” the final programming and the action was perfect and unpredictable.


    Thank you so much for posting this – had it, lost it – now I have it again. Yay!

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